Saturday, February 18, 2012

Alien Abductions

Strange lights, sense of missing time, unusual markings and scars, dreams and partial memories are common of those who believe they've been abducted by aliens. 

Claims of alien abduction is one of the most perplexing phenomena of 21st century. Abduction is a term referred to experience of a large number of people that claim to have been kidnapped by aliens and submitted to various treatments. The abductions victim often experiences memory loss and missing time.

These experiences are said to involve humans taken aboard UFO’s (Unidentified flying objects) by aliens. In the past thirty years there have been thousands of reports of alien abduction which cry out for an explanation.

A logger claims he was abducted by space aliens and dropped off into side of the road five days later.

A performer from New York City reports being carried onto a giant UFO while his fiancé sat paralyzed in the car.

And two horse trainers tell fantastic stories of their meetings with aliens ever since they were little girls.

There is no physical evidence to substantiate any of these claims but thousands of people tell remarkably similar stories. Some people say they are hoaxes others believe they are earnest delusions but for the rest it is one of the great mysteries of our time.

Scale of measurement of alien encounters

In 1972, a scale of measurement was established for alien encounters.

The first kind: The first kind simply means sighting of UFO’s

The second kind: Involves an observation and physical effects from UFO’s. Like heat, radiation, interference with engines, TV or radio reception.

The third kind: When contact is made and some kind of communication is made between human and extraterrestrials.

The fourth kind: A human is abducted by aliens.

The fifth kind:

The sixth kind: It is defined as incident that causes direct injury or death.

The seventh kind: It is the mating between alien and human that produces human hybrid called the ‘star child’.

The fourth kind

The alien abduction is the close encounter of the fourth kind. In the abduction process according to the abductees’ three things happen. Capture, examination, return and the after effects of the abduction.


The capture experience usually begins with the observation of bright light in the sky or wherever they are. Electronic devices go wild or shut off. Abductees are paralyzed and then beamed into the UFO.


Once inside the UFO the abduction is directed to a circular room and abductee is placed upon a metallic table. Then or more alien perform medical tests. Abductees describe being forced to take part in experiments and procedures that seem both cool and unusual.
People who claim to have been abducted by aliens remember many similar medical procedures.

One abductee quotes:
“They seem to put probes and either inject stuff or take stuff out of the back of my head and my brain. They ran stuff up my nose. I have holes in my head behind my ears. They have pierced my ear drum. I’ve had stuff injected into my brain and my arms.”


After the abduction procedure is complete the victim is placed back in the same position as he was before in the same unknown manner.


The abductees remember very little about the abduction and many can only recall memory under hypnosis.

Those who are abducted exhibit physical side effects known as post-abduction syndrome :-

Ø Missing time: Missing time refers to a gap in conscious memory. It can last several minutes to day. It is recovered by hypnosis.

Ø Nose bleeds, sinus pain and pressure can be because of the insertion of alien implants.

Ø Mysterious bruises and scars: Scars and markings are common in abductees.


Memories of abductees are deliberately wiped out or suppressed by aliens during the abduction experience. So Bud Hopkins a UFO researcher suggests hypnosis a way to recovering experiences that may have suppressed during the missing time.

But critics say that alien abduction experience is invented when a person is under hypnosis and the hypnotist plant the abduction stories when the person is in a vulnerable state of mind. And hypnosis also creates false memories.

To this Bud Hopkins who is also a psychologist and a psychiatrist and have investigated more than 600 abduction report since 1975, argues that he recovers memory he believes that alien have suppressed and hypnosis have been extremely effective when conducted carefully.

And journalist C.D Brian who has written a book about alien abductions says, "Hypnotist cannot make people say something they don’t want to say."

Alien implants

Researchers also believe abductees are sincere because of another consistently reported feature of abduction accounts; the insertion of alien implants.
In x-rays and MRIs abductees discover unexplained objects in their body. 

Under hypnosis abductees often describe operations in which needles are inserted into their brain, nasal cavity or ear by extraterrestrials.

Numerous implants have been removed and studied by doctors. They are all no more than 3cm long and 1mm in thickness. 

It is composed of variety of metals, glows under Ultra Violet light and has high magnetic qualities. They are attached to major nerve centers in our body and unsophisticated attempts to remove them have been resulted in sever injury and even death.

Technicians say that the implant could be a transmitter or receiver or some sort of signals like a monitoring device that receives signals from the abductees’ nervous system. Whose ultimate goal would be mind control?

There is a devise ‘stimoceiver’ invented by Jose Delgado. It is a devise which can receive and transmit electrons over F.M radio waves.

By stimulating a correctly positioned stimoceiver an outside operator can wield surprising degree of control over a subject’s responses. It simply means that motion, emotion and behavior can be directed by electrical forces and humans can be controlled by robots by push buttons.

James old of Yale University designed the stimoceiver that could be used for tracking all the physical and neurological sign of a patient over the quarter of a mile.
So the climax is that alien implants can be little stimoceivers with advanced technology whose control scope is extended to the whole planet.

Now the question is have you been abducted by aliens I mean how would know that you’ve been abducted by extraterrestrials.

They are several signs that show that shows that you might have had contact with aliens:

First of these sign is that having some time that has been missing. You were going along through your daily life and then suddenly you realize that one hour or perhaps two hour of time have simply gone by without any memory of what happened. Whether it’s during walking home, watching a movie or driving.

Or you might wake up and realize that you are paralyzed you absolutely cannot move say anything or call out.

Unusual markings: Another sign is waking up in the morning and realizing that on your body there are unusual markings.

If any of these sign happened to you it might be an indication that you too had contact with extraterrestrials beings.

Stephen Hawking the smartest man alive in his documentary suggests that aliens are certain to exist but instead of seeking them out we should avoid any contact with them.

He says, “If aliens visit us I think the outcome would be much as when Christopher Columbus first landed in America, which didn’t turn out well for the Native Americans.”

Final Words

The conclusion could be one of two things everyone is making up alien abduction with their extremely active imagination in sync or there are more people that have been abducted then we know about it.

Thousands of people from around the world are coming forward and saying that they have been abducted. All of them fully aware that saying something like that is completely crazy. As far as the danger is concern there is much more to learn from them then to be afraid of them. We cannot run off and hide in a cave and hope that they don’t come and take us.

I think they may be trying to help or save the human race from extinction. If this planet is destroyed and we are destroyed then they can seed us again somewhere. And there is life and intelligence out there in forms we cannot understand, just as a chimpanzee can’t understand quantum theory.

Those who still doubt the presence of aliens have to listen to this audio. This is a man calling from area51, the mysterious U.S Airbase which is famous for humans working side by side with aliens.

Eventually everyone is going to be aware of this. It’s happening with too much regularity. Its happening to people who never believed in anything like that could happen to them. And you know you can’t prove it to people who don’t believe you just have to wait and it.

That’s human nature you know until it jumps up and bites you on the nose. You are not going to believe it.


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